Lillet Williams, Kim Becht, Andrea Horning, Tressa Brooks, Rosealie Mendoza, Prescilla Parlett, Sandy Keiser, Beth Hoyt,Dr. Orr, Mr. Cav, Pamela Andrews
Changes to General Meetings
3rd Thursday of the month
Bring a friend!
Volunteer Opportunities
Bring a friend! We are need of chaperones and volunteers.
If we do not get enough volunteers, one option is to go make volunteering mandatory.
Contact Lisa Davisson for coordination of marching band volunteering and look for the Sign Up Genius.
Volunteer Coordinator needed!!!!
Fall Activity Fees
Due date for the first installment is Sept 30, 2019. Will follow up with parents if money is not collected.
Upcoming events:
- Festival Latino-County Wide cultural arts block party festival celebration the Hispanic culture. Wear SRHS Music t-shirt or school colors.
Spirit Wear– Website will be coming out next week. It will be open for 1 week to receive orders; 2 weeks to process the orders. Additional spirit wear sites will be up just for music.
Neo Pizza Restaurant Night– Thursday, September 26, 2019
Fund raising committee needed. Andrea volunteered to serve on the committee.
Upcoming restaurant nights: The Steakhouse in October, Crofton Panera in Thursday
“Feed the drum”
Want everyone to give feedback to revise bylaws. We want everyone’s voices heard. All suggestions are welcome.
Spring Trip
April 3-5, April 1-12, April 24-26-NYC, Virginia Beach. Decisions will be made in the upcoming weeks by the Music Boosters.
Any student who is a regular participating member of ensemble is welcome to participate.
Social Media
Send any pictures to [email protected]
Make sure all kids are following South River Music. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
All State events-$8 registration fee will be billed to all who audition.
Orchestra Syllabus: October 22 2pm-9pm is Towson University rehearsal. Syllabus is incorrect. Scarey strings concert is Wednesday October 30.
Meeting commenced: 8:10pm
Respectfully yours, Andrea Horning