Recruitment for the 2020-2021 School Year

As we approach the end of this history making school year, the South River Music Boosters are looking toward next year with optimism. While there are still many unknowns, the one thing we do know is that we will still need your help for next year.

The positions included in the elections are as follows:

Board Officers
The voting members of the Board include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Music Director. The Board positions are described as follows:

  • President
    The President is the executive officer of the organization and presides over the Organization and Executive Board meetings.
  • Vice President
    The Vice President, in the absence of the President, presides over meetings of the Organization and performs the duties of the President. The Vice President is also the chair of the Fundraising Committee and the Nominating Committee.
  • Secretary
    The Secretary takes and publishes records of all meetings of the Organization.
  • Treasurer
    The Treasurer keeps and publishes the financial records for the Organization, making deposits and disbursements as approved by the Board. The Treasurer is also the chair of the Finance Committee.
    • Financial Secretary
      The Financial Secretary tracks the balances of student accounts. The Financial Secretary works closely with the Treasurer.

Committee Chairs and Coordinators
Committee Chairs and Coordinators are the heart of the Music Boosters Organization. The Board and the Music Director rely on the Committee Chairs and Coordinators to keep the Music Program running smoothly. The Committee Chairs and Coordinators positions are as follows:

  • Communications Chair
    The Communications Chair collaborates with the Music Director on communications with the Music Program families and with the public. These communications include managing the Music Booster’s emails (incoming and outgoing), volunteers for chaperoning and other positions for events, and website and social media posts. The Communications Committee is usually comprised of the Chair, plus 2-3 additional volunteers who work closely together.
  • Uniforms Chair
    The Uniform Chair, plus 2-3 additional volunteers, manage the uniforms for the various Performance Groups, including sizing and assigning uniforms, cleaning of uniforms and procuring additional uniforms as approved by the Board.
  • Spring Trip Coordinator
    The Spring Trip Coordinator works with the Board and the Music Director to determine the destination and timing for the Spring Trip. The Coordinator plans, confirms and makes certain that the Spring Trip runs smoothly. The Spring Trip Coordinator may have additional volunteers supporting him/her.
  • Food Service Coordinator
    The Food Service Coordinator arranges/provides food and/or drink for Music Program functions as needed. This may include Summer Band Camp and dinners prior to footballs games, lunch and/or dinner for Play-a-thon, or other Music Events when food is not readily available to students. These snacks/meals are determined by the Board and the Music Director.
  • Equipment Truck Coordinator
    If it is necessary to move larger instruments, such as for a marching band performance or the Spring Trip, the Equipment Truck Coordinator arranges for the truck and recruits a driver for the truck.
  • Field Show Props Coordinator
    The Annual Marching Band Show requires props to accompany the marching drill and enhance the performance. The Field Show Props Coordinator works with the Music Director to determine the appropriate props for the show. He/She then recruits volunteers to assist in the creation of the props. This position is only required for the marching band season.
  • Senior Class Coordinator
    The Senior Class Coordinator plans and arranges the annual Senior Class Awards Banquet.
  • Performance Group Representatives
    Performance Group Representatives represent the interests of the various Performance Groups at Executive Board meetings. The groups to be represented are as follows:
    • Concert Band
    • Marching Band
    • Color Guard
    • Orchestra
    • Chorus
    • Jazz Band

On May 20, we will be sending out an email ballot so that you can vote on board positions and committee chairs. Elections will be open for one week, closing on May 27. The new Board Officers and Committee Chairs will be announced the following weekend. So, watch your email and send in your nominations today!

We can’t do it without you!

Thank you,
The South River Executive Board