South River High School
Music Booster’s General Board Meeting
January 26, 2017 7:00 pm
Attendees: Kim Becht, Suzanne Conard, June Dwyer, Teri Gregory, Blair Livesay, Sarah Minick, Denise Moore, Diana Murray, Joe Niemann, Lisa Niemann, Kim Quick, Sheryl Weimann, Margaret Wood
Called to order: 7:00 Quorum Achieved
Instrumental Music Director Report; Gerald Cavanaugh
- Cavanaugh gave a “State of the Department” report, as well as distributed a written copy, and touched on most points of the report.
- Cavanaugh would like to focus on increasing the visibility of the band, and discussed several ways of doing so:
- More performances around the communities; recently added:
- 3/5 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Annapolis
- 5/13 Armed Services Parade
- A robust website
- Increased interaction with our feeder schools
- More performances around the communities; recently added:
- New Instruments
- The county music coordinator is looking into ways to improve the instrument situation throughout the county. Some ideas:
- Swap meet
- Lease programs
- Grants (would need a grant writer, ask at general meeting); possible sources
- Grammy Corp.
- Edutopia
- Music and Arts
- Rosso Music
- Others? Perhaps a parent knows of sources
- The county music coordinator is looking into ways to improve the instrument situation throughout the county. Some ideas:
- Miscellaneous Upkeep of the Music Department Area
- Cavanaugh would like us to organize a schedule of upkeep to the following areas:
- Uniform Management
- Cleaning the band room and adjacent areas
- Organization of the band room and adjacent areas
- Inventory
- Cavanaugh would like us to organize a schedule of upkeep to the following areas:
Executive Board Reports:
President; Sarah Minick
- Gave general updates on the spring trip, uniforms, upcoming events; discussed in detail throughout these minutes
Vice President; Lisa Niemann – No report
Treasurer’s Report; Dianna Murray
- Spring Fee of $75 is now due.
- General Reminders of Student Accounts
- Student accounts: When student graduates or leaves band any monies earned can be transferred to sibling
- Money in student account earned from sales, etc. cannot be returned to student, if not used it will go into the booster general fund
- General Music Booster Funds are as follows:
Statement of Account as of 01/16/17 | |
Booster Operations | $16,755.74 |
Instrumental Fund | $1,599,89 |
Color Guard | $799.57 |
Jazz Fund | $111.01 |
Chorus Fund | $1,032.87 |
Student Credit Accounts | $2401.55 |
Total: | $22,700.63 |
Checkbook/Bank as of 01/16/17 | $22,700.63 |
Recording Secretary; Suzanne Conard
- Reviewed meeting minutes from September 26 General Meeting; approved as final
- Reviewed outstanding Action Items from September Meeting:
- Get Website up and running for new school year. Kim Becht has agreed to work on the website (CLOSED)
- Get Mail Chimp up and running for new school year (Gregory) (CLOSED)
- Fill Volunteer Coordinator position (Board) (CLOSED – NOT NEEDED)
- Reach out to middle schools for volunteering and generating interest in band (youth delegates Neimann/Conard/Quick/Valentine)
- Central Middle (CLOSED)
- Crofton Middle (OPEN – still need to meet with new band director)
- STEM Feeder (OPEN-need to reach out to 8th grade band students who will be in the STEM program)
Committee Reports:
Correspondence Secretary; Teri Gregory
- Reminder to all to use Sign-up Genius to volunteer for events
- All band events, including those which were tentative, have been updated and sent to parents via email
Fundraising; June Dwyer
- Opportunity for band members to work the Bowie Baysox game for a percentage of concession sold
- Small booth 8% of sales, would need 6-8 students
- Large booth 12% of sales, would need 12-15 students
- 3pm until end of game
- Must commit to one game per month
- No decision on whether we should accept offer (ACTION ITEM)
- Yard Sale coming up in May
- com
- Fundraiser by which person shops via their website and the band gets a percentage of the sales
Uniforms; Peggy Gunde, Sheryl Weimann
- Uniforms will be cleaned at the end of the summer
Spring Trip; Sarah Minick
- Nashville Trip is cancelled due to poor attendance
- All monies will be returned, or can be kept in student accounts
- Sarah and Teri are investigating an overnight trip to Busch Gardens
- Students would perform on Friday at “Music in the Park” Festival
- Stay one night, and enjoy the park on Saturday
- Tentative Date is April 21-22
Volunteer Coordinator – Position Cancelled
Youth Delegate Report: No report
Spirit Wear; Kim Quick
- Kim can reopen the website whenever we want
New Business:
- Senior Banquet
- Scheduled for May 15th
- Londontown Hall
- Will be staffed primarily by Tri-M underclassmen
- Play-A-Thon
- March 4th; Weather date March 11th
- 9 am – 7 pm
- Two volunteer teams needed; 8am-2pm and 2pm-8pm; Sign-up Genius
- Set-up, food, hospitality, chaperone, clean up
- Lunch, dinner, snack, water will be provided ($5 for each)
- Volunteer Hours
- South River HS requires an accounting of all volunteer hours
- Need estimates from all parents and other volunteers (ACTION ITEM)
Next Meeting: TBD
Action Items:
- Decision about volunteering for Bowie Baysox games
- Estimate of volunteer hour
- Follow-up on open Action Items from September, 2016 meeting
Meeting adjourned: 8:25